Effect Of Sound In Film

Clip Of A Film Where Sound Is a Component 

Good Will Hunting (1998)

The sound is used at the end of the clip and is non diegetic as it is used to show the release of Wills emotions as he finally lets out his feeling he has suppressed to his therapist as the music compliments the hugging and opening up to John as he cries into his shoulder because when Will does this the music plays at the same time which could mean the sound in this scene is a metaphor for Will as its silent in the beginning similar to how Will pretends he is fine the lack of music/non diegetic sound hides the emotions in the scene and when the silence is broken and it can set the tone and emotion of scene Will also shows his inner emotions to John.
This is linked to the context of the film as the plot of this film is for Will to discover who he is and confront his problems and the emotions with them.

Makes the audience feel at ease due to the ending of suspense due to this scene being uncomfortable quiet with only the sound being the diegetic dialogue between the characters which is eerie and more tension filled then other scenes with theses characters talking as Will responses feel angry and when John tries to comfort him he is aggressive and threatens John "not to fuck with him" making the audience feel the silence as Will gets more and more frustrated which is released with the music and Wills break down.
This is linked to the relationship between John an Will and how close they've become from starting of with Will refusing to open up to him and ending with will confiding his inner feeling and sadness/pain from childhood memories.

The focus on Diegetic sound gives an element of realism to the scene as we hear every sound from footsteps to the fiddling of a folder to Wills flaring of nostrils as he attempts to hold back the tears, this also makes the audience focus on the visual aspects of the clip as both performances are enhanced with the detail of sound drawing the eye to there individual and detailed performances from speech to body language.
This is linked with the tone of the film being real/ based in reality and despite Will being a super genius this film makes him into a real human being we can relate to as it explore how intelligence doesn't equal success but good environment leads to success. 


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